Sunday, November 20, 2016

Thankful Notes

 I love getting a letter or card in the mail, don't you? 

I saw a post from Erica Bohrer, a teacher I follow, and have done this for 3 years now.

I print out these fun postcards from Teachers pay Teachers. The amazing Amy Balling created these, and The Teacher Wife this set. I write an individual message to each of my students. I gush on things they are good at, and things I appreciate that they do like:

  • Helping others
  • Raising their hand
  • Being kind
  • Sharing
I always hear how excited they are to get a piece of mail in their mailbox, just for them. It makes me happy to know that this form of communication still exists, and it doesn't have to be a dreaded bill.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Why, Hello there!


Thank you for visiting my blog, and welcome to my first attempt at blogging!
I hope this is a spot where I can share information that is pertinent to you in your teaching world. I have to admit, I've stayed away from this venue because it made me SO
nervous. I've decided to step out of my comfort
zone and give it a try.Please be patient as I learn the ins,
outs, ups, and downs. I promise to share some of the amazing learning fun that have helped my cherubs be the best little cherubs they could be! 

I love teaching First grade!  First Graders are fascinating little people who make me smile every day!

A little about me:

My husband John and I have been married for 14 yearsand have 3 children. Annecy is 14 and a Freshman, Kaden is 11 and a sixth grader in the Alpine Program, and Luke 6 and a 1st Grade student. We enjoy hiking, swimming, skiing, soccer and all outdoor activities together. I also enjoy softball, scrap-booking, nail art, party planning,  spending time with my family, massages, shopping, and watching movies.